EXTENDED TO October 31, 2023
Dear Neighbor,
I am writing to you as a member of the Board and a fellow neighbor in Pine Forest. Before I get into the body of the message, this letter is not intended to be a debate of your support or rejection of the use of fireworks, but rather to simply inform you all of the fact that a limited ban on the use of some fireworks has been implemented by the county. Yes, I am aware of the impact on some of our pets, children and each other.... but that is not the point being made within this email stream.
Due to the extreme hot weather and low humidity conditions, the county has placed a burn ban into effect until October 31, 2023, in all areas of the county. This year, the Burn Ban includes limiting some types of fireworks that can be set off by individuals.
Below is a memo from the county and signed by Judge Pape indicating which fireworks are forbidden. A violation of this ban could result in a Class C misdemeanor if reported and caught. Also, please note that fireworks in general are prohibited in Pine Forest by specific clauses within the CCRs.
If you are concerned about fireworks:
If you live within city limits (Unit 6), call the Bastrop Police Department at (512) 332-8600.
If you live outside city limits (Units 7-12) call the Bastrop County Sheriff Department at (512) 549-5100.
Again, I am not seeking to, nor will we enter into a debate on your personal beliefs as it relates to the use of fireworks. Rather, we are attempting to inform you so that each of you can apply this restriction to your personal decision as Pine Forest residents.
We thank you in advance for your efforts in helping to keep our community and each other safe.
Kumar Malavey
President, PFPOA
For more information, go to: Bastrop County, TX.